spring and Fall cleanup

What We Do

We Provide Spring/Fall Lawn Cleanups For Edmonton Homes

Want to have the best looking grass for the Summer? Well preparation is key! With our Spring Clean and Fall Clean we prep your lawn so it can get the most nutrients and fuller grass lawn. We do this in all in one spring package during April-May months or our fall package in September-October months.

Clean up Details :

  1. Power Rake: Removes all dead grass that builds up and covers the lawn bed and allows better nutrient or seed to contact the soil
  2. Core Aeration: Removes cores of soil that allows air water and nutrients to provide the best environment to promote healthy grass.
  3. Fertilizer: Best done after power raking or aeration to provide best direct contact with soil. fertilizers provide the nutrients for grass growth and improve health and vigor.

Basic Spring Clean Up


Deluxe Clean Up


Fall Clean Up


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